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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Reconnection of bowel problems?

    3 months ago I had a small part of my bowel removed due to cancer. Now the Surgeon is going to reconnect the bowel. Can you please tell me any problems I may have in having this done.
    thanking you in anticipation
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    Bowel Cancer Australia is the leading community-funded charity dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis, research, quality treatment and care for everyone affected by bowel cancer. We … View Profile

    Hi Kath

    Thank you for your enquiry regarding the reconnecting of your bowel. Assuming you have had a stoma up until now, the reversal & reconnection of your bowel can cause various symptoms until the bowel and its muscle wall has settled and can work properly again.

    Many patients we speak to can experience various symptoms post surgery, but one of which many people wish they had known is the frequency to go to the toilet within the first few weeks. This may vary, but patients can take 2 weeks to up to 12 weeks for their bowel to settle down after their surgery. It is something people can worry about, but in time, it should settle down. It is important for you to be mentally prepared for that. Your bowel has not had to work as it normally would for the previous three months, so remember it does take a little bit of time for the body to recognise it now has to perform its normal functions again.

    The surgery, like your previous surgery, will mean you need to take it easy for the first 6 to 10 weeks, so no lifting or doing anything strenuous for the initial few weeks.

    For further information, please follow the below link on the Bowel Cancer Australia website to stoma reversals & what to expect after the surgery.

    Kind Regards

    Bowel Cancer Australia Nurse Adviser

    Please Note: The information provided by Bowel Cancer Australia’s Nurse and Nutritionist Advisory Services is intended for Australian residents as a reference guide only. It is not a substitute for independent professional advice and is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder.

    If you believe your symptoms are consistent with those of bowel cancer or a digestive illness, please consult your doctor.

    Bowel Cancer Australia, its directors, officers or medical professionals shall not be liable to any person, company or any other body for any loss, direct or indirect or consequential on whatsoever account for any omission or negligent misstatement.

  • kab70

    HealthShare Member

    thank you so much. it is so good to be told what may happen to prepare yourself.
    I understand what you are saying and appreciate the advise more than you know.
    I was a little concerned when the Surgeon asked me did I want it reversed. Didn't go into the brain until I left the hospital….then wondered why he said this.
    Just graet to prepare yourself, isn't it?
    I have been fortunate frrom the beginning with your type people which has certainly m,ade it all easier for me.
    Happy Easter
    regards, Kath

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