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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I am looking for a specialist in Melbourne who is familiar with D.I.S.H

    Someone who is well informed and has previously treated this condition (D.I.S.H) please… I have many questions
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    I am qualified as a PHYSIOTHERAPIST and ACCREDITED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST.I primarily use the McKENZIE METHOD for assessment and management of musculoskeletal pain disorders. The McKENZIE … View Profile


    Firstly a couple of questions for you:

    • Have you been diagnosed with DISH (Diffuse Idioapathic Skeletal Hyperostosis)? If so by whom?
    • Where you do have pain or restrictions?
    Although you may have been diagnosed with DISH,  the physiotherapists at Spine Health Physiotherapy utilise the McKenzie Method for assessment and treatment. With this method,  you will know quickly if the specific stretching we advise will be helpful or not.

    Please let me know if I can be of any help…

    Regards, Neil

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