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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What is tinnitus?

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    I am a vitalistic chiropractor. Vitalism as a concept, in part, means that the whole is much more than the some of the parts. The … View Profile

    Tinnitus is typically described as a “ringing in the ears”. It can be high pitched and bearly audible to the person experiencing it. It can be so loud that it is like a form of torture! It can be constant or it can vary in its intensity and frequency. If it has come on suddenly and is in only one ear, then it would be wise to have it investigated by a medical specialist. The true cause is not known but the degeneration of the hair cells in the cochlea have something to do with it.

    Most often the the cause of the tinnitus us not harmfull even if it is annoying or depressing. Audiologists are probably your first port of call to get help. Occassionally chiropractic patients report improvement in their tinnitus when they have had their spine adjusted. There is an intervention called “Sound Therapy” which often has very good results in contolling tinnitus

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    David McIntosh is an Australian trained ENT surgeon with international experience. His areas of interest are paediatrics, nose and sinus disease, and providing access to … View Profile

    Tinnitus is a symptom, not a diagnosis. It means you can hear a noise that is not related to any external source (ie it is in your head). There are many causes and the best treatments are directed towards identifying the cause. 

  • Sophia John

    HealthShare Member

    All of us are likely to experience ringing in our ears when there is no apparent source of a sound.

    Unfortunately for many people, this buzzing or ringing sound can be persistent, intermittent, and prolonged and this is a condition known as Tinnitus.

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