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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Do I have prostate cancer?

    I am a 55 year old man and have been experiencing pain while urinating and difficulty performing sexually… this has gone on for a few weeks. Could these be early signs of prostate cancer?
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    Sexuality Education and Counselling ACT is run by a specialist in Sexual Health to help individuals and couples address their sexual concerns and improve their … View Profile

    Painful urination is often caused by a urinary tract infection or a prostate infection.  A visit to your doctor is necessary. Untreated urinary tract infections and prostate infections can spread causing a severe condition. An enlargement of the prostate (benign hyperplasia and cancer) can also cause urinary symptoms, specially the feeling that the bladder is not empty after urinating and be the basis for a urinary infection.  It is vitally important that you see your own health care provider for a complete evaluation and treatment.

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