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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How is pelvic pain diagnosed?

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    Doctors diagnose pelvic pain by asking a full history of the pain, including, when it started, how long it lasts, how strong it is, if it radiates anywhere, if it is related to menstrual cycle, if there are any associated symptoms. Also past history of  medical/surgical conditions including pelvic infection, pelvic surgery, appendicitis and endometriosis will be taken.  It is probable an abdominal and pelvic examination would take place, including a speculum and manual vaginal exam.  Swabs may be taken at this time.  Blood and urine testing may also be done.  Pregnancy testing, xray, ultrasound, and even laparoscopy of the pelvis can be of assistance of diagnosing the cause of pelvic pain.

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