Primary lactose intolerance is a result of reduced ability to produce the enzyme lactase. Secondary lactose intolerance is a result of disturbance in the bowel such as gastroenteritis and tolerance to lactose often returns after recovery.
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Dietitian, Nutritionist
There are really two types of ‘primary’ lactose intolerance. One is extremely rare and occurs in infants with a genetic abnormality, such that the individual cannot make the enzyme, lactase. The other type is very common and is actually the normal human condition. It occurs in about 70% of the world's people, especially non-Caucasians. Like for other animals, the ability to make lactase is ‘switched off’ at about natural weaning age (about 5 years for humans). Milk is ‘baby food’.
Secondary lactose intolerance occurs when the intestinal lining is damaged, even subtley. This damage can occur during gastroenteritis or when there is a food allergy or food intolerance in some cases, especially in infants. Once the damage heals, the lactase reappears.
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