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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can someone help with depression from Delayed Sleep Therapy Syndrome?

    My daughter was diagnosed with Delayed Sleep Therapy Syndrome. She is seeking help from sleep therapist but lacks motivation from exhaustion most days and has dropped out of study and part time work. Can you suggest something to help as deppression has set in? She doesn't want to socialize with friends and doesn't seem to care anymore about herself and is very down.
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  • Jon is author of ‘Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ and “Obstacles to Cure: Toxicity, Deficiency & Infection” - two books for CAM practitioners. He specialises … View Profile

    First: get rid of any electrical equipment in your bedroom and turn off the WiFi:  EMF emissions are a known source of DSS. Second, make sure you have an hour of morning sunlight on your face each day, since that helps to set your body clock. Third, you can try melatonin 1/2 hour before bed.

    Make sure you have no computer, TV or ipad within 2 hours of going to bed. Read a peaceful novel or listen to some music (classical, not rap). If you still can't fall asleep, then there will be a more subtle cause: maybe anxiety? maybe you are locked into a post-viral syndrome (like never well since glandular fever)?

    Try the above suggestions and see if that helps.

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