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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Painful menstruation and frequent urination... fibroids?

    I noticed that I need to urinate way more frequently than the average person. At first I thought it was just a small bladder but then started googling it. I also experience tremendous pain during menstruation. Could I have uterine fibroids? How do I find out?
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  • Dr David Rosen is a Specialist Endoscopic (Keyhole) and Robotic Surgeon with expertise in; Prolapse and Incontinence surgery, Endometriosis, menstrual disorders including complicated Hysterectomies by … View Profile

    Yes fibroids may be the background problem. Depending upon their size and location within the uterus they can cause any combination of; heavy menstrual bleeding, painful periods, back pain, pressure symptoms including frequent urination, period related constipation, fertility issues amongst other problems.

    Diagnosis is best made by a pelvic ultrasound and then review with your gynaecologist to discuss the various management options

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