Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer
I have treated many people with CFS and have successfully dealt with it myself. I firmly believe that you can recover from this debiliating illness, if the key cause is identified and worked through. For me, and with all the cases i have dealt with there will always be factors that need to be acknowledged through the rest of your life and things that will trigger elements of the fatigue, but if it is appropriately worked through recurrances wont necessarily occur.
My biggest advice is to get to know yourself, your triggers and what causes your symptoms and adopt strategies to deal with these appropriately right from the start.
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to your account or now (it's free).Exercise Physiologist
Yes, you can recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). CFS is a complex multifactorial condition and addressing the contributing factors is the first step in managing. These can include genetic, dietary, neurological and personality traits. We have treated hundreds of people with CFS and know first hand the challenges of such a debilitating condition. With time people can at the very least learn to manage their health and then improve to a point where they are not limited.
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