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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How does chronic fatigue syndrome differ from normal fatigue?

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  • Jon is author of ‘Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ and “Obstacles to Cure: Toxicity, Deficiency & Infection” - two books for CAM practitioners. He specialises … View Profile

    CFS has unrefreshing sleep: no matter how much sleep you get you still wake tired. CFS has post-exerion malaise , or fatigue, with poor muscle recovery.

  • Nathan Butler is an exercise physiologist and founder of the multi-disciplinary Active Health Clinic whom specialise in chronic health especially Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, orthostatic intolerance … View Profile

    It is important to differentiate between fatigue and tiredness:

    • Tiredness is a normal feeling that most people will feel at the end of a busy day and with a good nights sleep they will feel more refreshed.
    • Fatigue is unrelenting and not relieved by sleep or rest. it is often compared to long haul jet lag (there are some other explanations from people that have visited our clinic below)

    •“I feel sleepy when I’m battling an infection usually. Fatigue feels like I’m empty inside and my rechargeable battery never fills up more than a third of what it should. Always running on empty”
    •“Mental fatigue is like the morning after flying the red eye and the physical fatigue like having heavy weights tied to my legs, arms and shoulders”
    •“Trying to get through the day with a bad flu, as opposed to a general cold. Most people can relate to that or trying to get through the day not having slept at all the night before. You can get by and do things, but it’s a lot tougher!”

    Remember that fatigue is only one of the symptoms of CFS

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