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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Does my child have ADD?

    My child has difficulty focusing on one subject at a time and likes to daydream. In addition, she doesn't seem to listen to me when I speak to her. However, I wonder if this is simply normal in kids as they are young and tend not to follow directions. How do you tell if a child has ADD or is simply being a child?
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  • Serving the interests of children and young people with childhood language and related disorders View Profile

    There is always a range of normal when it comes to developmental skills. Some children may walk at 10months, some may take 15 months. It is the same with attention and listenting skills. Some children may be alert and focused, with others being more inquisitive and interested in many things at once. Some children take a long time to process the information they receive from their environment. If you have concerns, and your child's attention skills seem to be impacting on their overall development, see your GP and/or paediatrician.

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