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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I support a friend with recent trauma amputation?

    A dear friend of mine was involved in a car accident where his right let was wholly severed. His entire life he has been a star athlete and has also been very active in the community. How can I help him adjust to his new life?
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  • Darrel Sparke

    HealthShare Member

    The first thing of course is be compassionate. Your friend will be experiencing a mix of emotions about his own body, his future, his self worth and much more. An exceptionally difficult time psychologically. Be patient and then mindful that noone feels exactly the way he does at this time..these are his emotions and his unique situation. Its a complex roller coaster.

    Seek Amputee Peer Support

    If he is open to it make contact your local or state Amputee Peer Support organisation. In NSW this is the Amputee Association of NSW,  If in VIC contact Limbs4Life.  These organisations have dedicated groups of amputee volunteers trained to help in this difficult time.  People who have their own personal experience in dealing with limb loss.

    If unsure of your state support group you will be able to get more details of exising bodies via the sites above or call 1800 810 969 to speak with someone who can help direct you to your nearest local peer support team.

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