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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What is the difference between drinking regularly and alcoholism?

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  • Tom444

    HealthShare Member

    There is a big differece between drinking regularly and Alcoholism. Alcoholism is simply a lose of control over your alcohol consumption no matter what are the consequences. When you cross the line between Alcohol abuse and Alcoholism you will start feeling intense craving for Alcohol which makes it very hard (may be impossible) to stop drinking if you are drunk already.  Interestingly these intense craving for alcohol starts only when you are drunk, 3 to 5 drinks atleast. And then the craving becomes stronger and stronger as the more you drink. The Alcoholic wont be able to remember how many drinks they had, what  time they stopped drinking, whom they wee drinking with, incidents happened while drinking and lot more, it is called black outs.
                                         Alcoholics will have Alcohol withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking suddenly. It can be mild sweating at night, feeling anxious, confusion and in severe cases seizures and delirium tremens. Tremors on the hands are very common in Alcoholics especially in the morning after heavy drinking night.

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