Most of my life I hated not being in control. I lost my mum two years ago and people say there are triggers. Maybe that was it. Iam not sure. I work afternoon shift. One night life got to hard to deal with and I started to plan taking my own life. I sat in my car after work one night with a variety of pills, arose attached to the exhaust pipe, food and milk to keep the pills down and also took one spark plug cable off so the car could create more carbon monoxide. Th only thing that stopped me was the thought of hurting my father more after losing his wife of 56 years. Seeing a phyciatrist now and I am on very heavy doses of a variety of drugs. When I saw him first it was like a weight lifted . Finally someone understood. I started bawling and couldn't stop for hours ,even when I went to the chemist that night. I feel like I am winning the fight only by a small margin but hope is there. The future still scares the hell out of me so I don't try to think to far ahead.
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