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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What life expectancy can I expect from arnold chiari malformation?

    I have had a vp shunt for nearly 20years. I was 33 when I was first diagnosed. With all the medical problems that I have what sort of life expectany can I expect from arnold chiari malformation?
    After each procedure/operation I am hit with antibiotics that leave the liver under the level that it should be…
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    Registered Osteopath Focusing onInjury Recovery, Scoliois, Shoulder & Neck ProblemsPre & Post Pregnancy TreatmentPaediatric Osteopathy For Babies & Children View Profile

    It has only really been diagnosed properly since the introduction of MRI's in the 1980's so we don't really know yet. My wife was diagnosed 16 years ago, ashe is healthy since her brain hind decompression although she didn't have a shunt.

    I would recommend gentle cranial osteopathy regularly & definitely post treatment it has definitely helped her,. As an osteopath I am of course biased. Equally it is worth getting naturopathic support post surgery - when you have this kind of condition help it with every little way you can - in the long run it will definitely improve quality of life & probably quantity as well.

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