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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I find support for someone with auditory processing disorder?

    Due to my child's auditory processing disorder, he has difficulty paying attention to oral instructions which has resulted in low academic performance. How can I find support for him? Is a therapist the best option or should I look into educational programs? I believe he needs something more than my own assistance.
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    My passion for working with children with disabilities and their families has developed over the past five years. Since graduating from Sydney University, I have … View Profile

    Listening programs such as the Integrated Listening System are great for treating auditory processing, as well as other cognitive and sensorymotor areas. An Occupational Therapist can administer these programs. I have seen the results of such a program and encourage its use. 

    As a parent, you could try adjusting the way you talk to your son. Before speaking, ensure that you have your sons full attention. You could touch his arm and wait for eye contact. Try to reduce the amount of information or instruction that you give. He might ask ‘What’ straight away, or not seem to respond straight away. Allow a moment for him to think. Permitted that he has actually heard what you have said,  try giving him a gestural prompt instead of repeating yourself. Point him in the direction he needs to go, or to the first step of the task. Try a verbal cue. If he needs to get dressed, you could say ‘Your underwear is in here’. This helps to develop problem solving skills and independent thinking. 

    If you would like more information about this approach or the Integrated listening System, feel free to contact me at my clinic in Annandale, Sydney. 
    The website is

    Kind Regards,
    Shannon Storey

  • David McIntosh is an Australian trained ENT surgeon with international experience. His areas of interest are paediatrics, nose and sinus disease, and providing access to … View Profile

    As an ENT, I see many kids with this. We work with audiologists ( and speech therapy ( to help children with this condition.

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