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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How are anxiety disorders diagnosed?

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  • I am a counsellor with over two decades of experience working with non-for-profit organisations, private organizations, secondary education, community health services, and private practice in … View Profile

    Traditionally anxiety disorders are diagnosed by either a GP a psychologist or psychiatrist this is because anxiety disorders are medically defined. So one could say anxiety disorders are a medical kind of term and concept. Being medically defined this means that public health funds some of the treatment if not all just as it would with any other medical condition.

    Also, if you are seeing someone such as counselor, a psychotherapist or an analyst, might also help you in exploring if you do or do not have high anxiety which might be interfering with your daily life. Certain things that you might say about how you experience life might give them the information needed to ascertain if you are suffering from high levels of anxiety. So, you would need to see a medical professional or a counselor /psychotherapist just to get an idea at what level your anxiety is

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