Conversation started by redhead76
HealthShare Member
dear red head76, i think you should try a different gp for a second opinion and maybe they could suggest a councellor to help get things of your chest it might help with all the stressful things going on at the moment they might beable to give you ideas how to handle the situations that a rise,i hope things get better for you
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wow you seem to have the lot going on! I would definitely get a different doctors opinion & also try to find a good counsellor for you & your family. I don't know where you are but when I was really sick & had no job & no money Anglicare was a great support to me so maybe see if they are in your area. It must be hard at work & you obviously need the extra money but if it's causing you stress to try to get the extra work then maybe don't bother if you can get by until you have some strategys in place for dealing with things better. One less stress has to be good. Take care try to keep smiling
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