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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Are there preventative medications for migraines?

    My son seems to be suffering from migraines on a regular basis and we were wondering if there are preventative medications that are successful. If so, what are they and how do we know if this is the right path to take?
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  • Dr Michael Cohen, Chiropractor is co-founder of the Chirosports Group one of Australia's leading groups of Chiropractors working together since 1994. Dr Michael Cohen Chiropractor … View Profile

    There are medications that can be prescribed by a Medical Doctor to help with the symptoms of migraine headaches and these can be very effective.  What I find though is that even with this approach as it is sometimes necessary, it's a good idea to see if the pattern of migraines and or headaches can be alleviated and prevented.  It could be that the medication will alleviate the symptoms, and the underlying cause may still be present.

    In my 20 years as a Chiropractor, treating migraine and headache symptoms is something I have always had a special interest in.  Human function and in particular nervous system function can be fascinating when it comes to finding the possible cause of these symptoms.  What Chiropractic care does is provide an opportunity to very gently release what we call a subluxation or lock for want of a better term that may be present in a joint.  What often occurs with these locks, that you may or may not even know are present is that they inhibit nerve flow.  Nerve flow is essential for healthy functioning of your nervous system.  The cause of migraines is so varied and can be triggered by a number of causes.  If we can find the underlying cause and can treat in non-invasively with Chiropactic care which we frequently do, then the symptoms may go away and medication may not be needed.

    I'm not sure what investigations you have undertaken to look into your son's health concern, however, care in some form would be a good idea.  I am always very conservative and work  closely with General Medical Practitioners, as I feel it is always important to be thorough in treating migraines.  If the symptoms do continue you may want to consider Chiropractic care or a visit to your GP.

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    The mission of Migraine & Headache Australia is to reduce the incidence and impact of the headache disorder through the provision of community awareness and … View Profile

    There are medications that have helped to reduce the impact or even prevent the onset of migraines. However, their effectiveness does vary amongst sufferers. For example, topamax has been found to help prevent the onset of migraines for about 70% of those who suffer. It needs to be taken regularly and has side effects in some cases. Somatriptan is another prescription medication that is taken when symptoms first start and can also minimise. these are only two of many options that you should discuss with your doctor.
    Another area that is showing promise is a non-opiate approach devised by clinical psychologists. Early results from behaviour modification have been encouraging.

  • As a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, with extensive experience and highly advanced qualifications, as well as excellent communication skills, I can help you to: Become informed … View Profile

    A significant portion of people have a sensitivity to migraine (about 9% in males and about 17% of females). Unfortunately there is no cure for migraines but with a combination of self care, medication and sometimes other treaments you can manage them better.

    Keeping a diary of when the migraine started, what you did, ate or felt the day previous and how it responded to tablets, sleep etc will help you monitor the frequency of migraines and any treatment interventions.

    My explanation to clients is that the aim of “preventative” medication is to reduce the sensitivity of the brain blood vessels  to what for other people are normal personal and environmental stimuli. It appears that Migraine sufferers may be oversensisitive to bright light, noise, stress, dehydration, low blood sugar levels and some foods or alcohol. Every one has different triggers.

    Sometimes you can “get away ” with one trigger but if two or three occur then a migraine eventuates. Medication to help you reduce the frequency and/or severity gives you time to learn relaxation and other strategies to manage them better.
    Helen Potter Specialist Physiotherapist Subiaco

  • zagam

    HealthShare Member

    Anti-platelet drugs like Aspirin (100mg). I take this along with cholesterol and blood pressure meds. I have patent foramen ovale and neuologist confirmed migraine.

    Neurogist also prescribed Pizotifen, but I don't like it.

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