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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How common is neck and back pain in Australia?

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    Dr Stephen Leow

    HealthShare Member

    International statistics indicate the incidence of back pain is 25% and neck pain is 15%

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    Ryan Hislop is the Clinical Director at the Orange Chiropractic Health and Wellness Centre. As an experienced and evidence-based diagnostician, Ryan works largely by medical … View Profile

    Medical Journal of Australia and Chriopractic Journal of Australia suggest that up to 80% of Australians will experience back pain at some point in their lives and 10% will experience significant disability as a result.

    Quite a prevalent condition…

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    low force chiropractor for 27 years experienced in SOT AK diversified activator proficient and Neural organizaiton techniqu proficient. seminars given in perth auckland and sydney … View Profile

     2 million australians experience back pain per annum as per the CAA spinal health care week

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    low force chiropractor for 27 years experienced in SOT AK diversified activator proficient and Neural organizaiton techniqu proficient. seminars given in perth auckland and sydney … View Profile

    It is a daily occurance in a chiropractic clinic and we see over 200 patients a week so times 52 weeks  Well you can work it our for yourself and this is only in one little corner of Perth:) it is a very common problem and is therefore one that the government needs to address and they have in the form of the Medicare Benefit Schedule.The MBS will give you 5 treatments to an Allied health professional if you have a chronic condition. Now this is helpful but its still not enough as chiro care works best on repetition and if the patient requires more than the allocated treatments it becomes a finanacial difficulty. Ideally the chiropractor should be on the medicare system but the treatment plan needs to be determinded by the chiropractor not the medical doctor.Please email or write to your local MP to have them include Chiropractic into the medicare system this then will give us  as patients and practitioners autonomy over back and neck pain which is skeletal and visceral refered. we will all be much healthier and happier and the GPs wont be so overloaded  thank you dr julie russell clark dc

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    HealthShare Member

    Neck pain is a common problem wining our society an has been shown to have point prevalence between 10% and 15%. Although anyone can suffer from neck pain it is most common at approximately 50 years of age and is more common amongst women than in men.Neck pain can be severely disabling and costly.The following are a list of symptoms you may be feeling related to neck pain:Limited range of motionStiffnessHeadacheBrachialgia (pain in the brachium of the arm)DizzinessMost neck complaints are not regarded as life threatening but patients may endure pain and/or stiffness, which may affect their physical and social functioning considerably. Neck Pain is a common cause for work absence and in some industries it even accounts for as many absences as lower back pain.

  • Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain or neck pain? Based in SYDNEY, Sandra is 1 of ONLY 15 Physiotherapists in Australia with ADVANCED … View Profile

    General stats are that 80% of people around the world will suffer back or neck pain in their lifetime. 

    And the biggest factor in suffering for a 2nd , 3rd, 4th time etc is a previous episode of back or neck pain  That unfortuantely means that back and neck pain should be considered like a chronic problem which we all need to learn how to manage. 

    A McKenzie Method of Physiothearpy is a system of management that shows you one to two exercises to get rid of pain and how to stop the pain from coming back. 

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