Dietitian, Nutritionist
What sorts of foods have you cut out from your diet? Is it only fat and processed foods you have cut down on? What are your portion sizes likes? Do you snack in between meals?
With weight loss we have to look at your overall diet-fats, carbohydrates and proteins. These food groups are essential for a healthy diet, and they will all contribute calories, so it is important that you get the balance right to ensure you are meeting your nutrtional requirements and eating a healthy diet, without exceeding your energy needs. It is also important to consider little extras like soft drink, fruit juice and some “low fat” food options, as these can contribute a significant amount of sugar into your diet, which will not help with your weight loss journey.
As for fats, it is important to understand that although there are benefits to including good fats into your diet for health reasons, fat is still fat, and if you eat too much of it-good or bad fats, you will gain weight.
I would definitely recommend you get in touch with an Accredited Practising Dietitian in your area, for more tailor made dietary advice to help you on your weight loss journey.
Of course exercise is also important, and seeking advice from an Exercise Physiologist would be beneficial.
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I understand the frustration that you speak of when trying so hard to lose weight with apparently little success.
i would like the opportunity to talk to you about your goals and your expectations of the rate of your weight loss. I wondered how often you are weighing yourself.
It is also important to know that the stress and anxiety that you feel around this issue raises the levels of a hormone called cortisol in your body which does not help with fat loss.
I would suggest that you congratulate yourself on the ‘little’ weight that you have lost, that you try to relax into your new way of eating and exercising and, as suggested above, that you consult with an Accredited Practising Dietitian to review your meal plan.
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Personal Trainer
there is a number of things can could be going wrong. most of the time we see this, where people follow low fat eating plans exercise all the time but rarely seem to lose any weight. it has to come from a combination of weight training, cardio exercise but more importantly nutrition. i can let you know all the things you need to do and then you decide on whether you are doing them or not.
firstly weight train twice a week, covering your full body with compund exercises. exercises that use more than one msucle group at one time. like leg press, cable seated row, seated chest press, lat pulldown and a plank. make sure you have 24hr gap between your weight training. now if you are doing all hard cardio, simply stop it now and focus on low to moderate exercise, with a heart rate around 120BPM. like a paced walk. now with your nutrition, you should be looking at how much carbohydrate, protein and fat you are in taking. try to have 20g of carbs at breakfast, morning tea and lunch, like burgen bread sandwich 15g in the afternoon tea like 4 vitawheat biscuits and 5g from green veg at night. make sure you have meat at every meal and fat from good or essential omega 3 and 6 like fish. yes thats right, make sure you are eating every 3 hours. if you have breakfast at around 9 then you will more likely just get 4 meals, dont worry just eat every 3 hours. prior to cardio exercise eat 2 hours before. try that, even give me a call anytime and i can quickly have a chat over the phone 9634 8639
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Exercise Physiologist
Great replies all…i think this article from a recent Body and soul sums things up well:),17235
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Dietitian, Nutritionist
Also are you saying you havent lost much weight according to the scales? What about your clothes- are they feeling loser? Scales dont always tell the full picture and many people become fixated on what scales tell them.
Remember that scales also weight the amounts of water and muscle in the body- when are you weighing yourself? After a large drink? Before you go to the bathrrom? This will all contribute to what you see on the scales. Monitor your waist circumference as well.
I suggest seeing an Accredited Practising Dietitian and an Accredited Exercise Physiologist to help provide you with some advice.
Melissa Adamski, APD
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to your account or now (it's free).Dietitian, Nutritionist
Remember it's not just what you eat, but also how much. It sounds like you've made some very positive changes and have greatly improved the quality of your diet, but have you considered portion size? An Accredited Practising Dietitian can help with this.
All the best,
Ashleigh Jones, APD
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Pilates Instructor
The type of exercise you are doing is important.
What kind of food do you eat
a)You might be burning energy rather then calories
b) you have to get your heart rate high (providing that you have no health issues)
c) I would check with my GP. regarding to any thyroid issues
d) your metabolizm might be slow and needs a boost (again see your GP)
e) cut down carbs eat high protein foods
f) no sugar and alcohol
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