Exercise Scientist, Physiotherapist
Many people utilise strapping to help to prevent a sporting injury or promote recovery and return to sport after an injury. Most commonly the areas strapped are ankles, knees, shoulders, wrists and thumbs. There are a variety of different techniques used to help protect the joints, ligaments and tendons and the best one to use depends on the type of injury you are trying to prevent or recover from.
To ensure that you are recieveing the correct taping technique you should always consult a health professional - usually a physiotherapist to ensure that you have undergone a full assessment and diagnosis. Yours physiotherapist can also train you to use the correct strapping techniques especially if you are using tape to prevent future or further injury.
If you have a recurring injury your physiotherapist will also use other techniques such as manual therapy and exercise rehabilitation to help your body recover fully before you place it under the load of sport again. They can provide advice to your coach and strength and conditioning trainers about the best way to get you playing again and stay there.
You can find a physio in your local area by looking on the website of the Australian Phsiotherapy Association http://members.physiotherapy.asn.au/source/members/apa_MemberSearchAdv.cfm?Search=FP
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Another strapping technique is called Kinesiology taping, which utilises the body's natural pain relief pathways to ensure the injured area has time to recover.
It can also be used in a supportive or preventative function, but it works best as a “pain-relief” technique.
The latest version is spider taping, which is pre-cut applications. The benefit of this is that the athlete or trainer can actually be taught to apply the strapping whenever needed.
Check out their website, and click this link to find a certified Spidertech practitioner in your area.
Best wishes.
Greg (Certified SpiderTech practitioner, Sydney)
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to your account or now (it's free).Physiotherapist
There are many techniques to prevent / treat sports injuries. It all depends upon your injury and what sport you are playing. There are a number of different products out there these days, it is best to have the correct one prescribed, fitted or applied so that you can be assured that it is right.
It isn't a great deal of fun having a brace or tape fall off during a match, or skin being ripped due to a poor DIY job, I recommend seeing your local Sports Physiotherapist for advice, assessment and fitting.
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Strapping can be an effective way to aid in injury recovery. Traditional strapping tape is effective, though recently the use of kinesiotape has broaded the style and benefits.
if you are experiencing an ongoing or recurrent injuries it would be best to see a physiotherapist or chiropractor to investigate why such injuries are taking place. Joint mobility, muscles stiffness, weakness, or inhibition of muscles can often be the underlying cause. Neural sensory control, around joints is a vital component for injury prevention.
Best outcome would be to seek professional advice.
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