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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can i get my friend to seek professional help?

    I have a friend who has tried to commit suicide a few times and I told her she needs to speak to the doctor. I don’t trust that she is going to actually tell the doctor. Is it out of place for me to ring her doctor and give some background and information to him about my friend?
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    Damien Haines

    Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist

    Damien Haines is a registered Clinical Psychologist who brings a warm and empathetic approach to therapy. He emphasises engagement in the world and encourages clients … View Profile

    This is a really difficult place to be. Of course you can call her doctor, just remember that you cannot get any information from them (confidentiality), and that it may impact negatively on your relationship. I say that not to stop you but just to recognise that if you make that choice it may impact on the relationship.

    What I would suggest is to express to your friend your concerns. I'd let her know that she will be going and that you will go with her. Or let her know that if she does not go by a certain time that you will call to express your concerns. Ideally you want it to be her decision - if you do it behind her back you take that from her.

    I wish you well

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