HealthShare Member
Thanks for your response A couple of years ago I had those breath tests done and the doctor lost the tubes in transit and pretty much blammed the transport company so I got no results which was extreamly frustrating and he charged me for the appointment about $250 which was equally as frustraing because he lost the tests which took hours to complete (and I had to fast!). That aside, I should go and see another stomach doctor and get the tests done again. Thanks for your advice.
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The symptoms you have described may be due to Irritable bowel syndrome. However irritable bowel syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion. You should see your doctor and have appropriate tests done to exclude other organic gastroenterological conditions.
Once the diagnosis is firmly established and other serious medical conditions are excluded, a review by an experienced dietitian who has an interest in IBS and FODMAP diet is often most helpful in improving your symptoms.
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