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  • Shared Experiences

    Rice milk and calcium requirements for my kids

    Two of my boys are lactose intolerant so I give them rice milk. I am worried though that it doesnt have the nutrition and calcium needed for young growing boys. Anyone have info on this?
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  • Darryl @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Hi Roch - I am also Lactose Intolerant - however I was diagnosed when I was 19. Can someone also let me know if I should be taking calcium supplements? I have read lots of articles on it but nothing which fits my situation. Thanks Darryl

  • Darryl @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Thanks Marla - very helpful. Are you a dietician, naturopath or similar?

  • Marla Bozic

    HealthShare Member

    So glad you asked . I'm a Nutrition and Health Coach. My clients are busy parents, and I show them how to manage their family's nutrition and health in a practical, nourishing and holistic way.

  • Darryl @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Great - I know that Healthshare are launching practitioner directories to allow experts like you to be profiled. Coming soon…

  • Marla Bozic

    HealthShare Member

    Thanks. Have a healthy day! Marla www.vitaminLhttp://www.vitaminL.c

  • Rochelle @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Marla, I would love to come and see you. Will check out your website and make an appointment. We go away next week for 3 weeks so will call when we are back. Rochelle

  • Marla Bozic

    HealthShare Member

    Great, looking forward to it! Have a nice break. Marla

  • Rochelle @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Marla, what is your website?

  • Marla Bozic

    HealthShare Member

  • 1


    Rochelle @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Guess what? I check the rice milk I use which is the Vitasoy brand from the firdge at the supermarket ie NOT the long life one and it has the same calcium as normal milk. So excited!!!  

  • Anonymous

    My son has grown up vegan and has never had a problem with lacking in calcium, he eats tahini everyday,as well as many other vegan sources of calcium. Google vegan sources of calcium and you will find many lactose free alernatives of calcium.

  • Dairy products provide  2/3 of the dietary calcium in your diet, with other foods contributing up to a third. So when dairy products are removed , dietary calcium intakes are significantly reduced. So using calcium fortified milk alternatives is important ( oat/soy/rice) and having  3-4 glasses each day. Also choosing lactose free milk may be helpful.

    Those who are lactose intolerant can cope with up to 4gm/lactose a time. A cup of milk has 12gm/lactose. So a little in hot drinks or on cereals can be tolerated. Hard cheeses have very little amounts of  lactose and are high in calcium so should be tolerated if it is the lactose your boys are intolerant too. Soft cheeses like cottage have 1gm lactose in 1/2 cup  and has 60-70mg calcium.

    Depending on the age of your boys calcium requirement are quite high especially during growth periods so the calcium fortified milk alternative will contribute most of the dietary calcium if having 3-4 servings/day with the remainder from a mixed diet.

    While almonds contain calcium your son needs upwards of 1000mg/day. 30gm nuts provides only 75gm calcium, and  85gm spinach provides 6-10mg/calcium. Your glass of calcium fortified milk alternative will provide around 300mg/calcium.


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