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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Has anyone had any positive results from alternate/non medical therapies to help with inattentive ADD?

    Has anyone had any positive results from alternate/non medical therapies to help with inattentive ADD?? like neuro feedback, diet etc. I am very interested to hear from medical specialists as well as other community members
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  • Serving the interests of children and young people with childhood language and related disorders View Profile

    There is a lot of research being conducted in these areas but not a lot of conclusive data yet. Some individual cases have been reported of symptoms being affected by diet changes but again, no reliable or conclusive evidence has emerged.

  • New practice opened Feb 2018. Seewebsite I'm passionate about working with people from all walks of life to help them create a more vital, … View Profile

    Absolutely! Behaviourally-based psychological therapies have demonstrated effectiveness. It’s difficult to make generalisations as a diagnosis of “ADHD – inattentive type” comprises many different types of presentations. Eg, the inattention may be primarily to visual stimuli vs to auditory stimuli vs to kinaesthetic experiences; may manifest more in some contexts than in others.; may or may not be associated with cognitive processing difficulties (such as working memory). When I’m working with ADHD-inattentive type, I do the following:
    • conduct an assessment to identify the unique features of inattention in each case. This would usually involve conducting a functional behavioural analysis;
    • prepare a formulation to explain the predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors in each case;
    • clarify values –what heartfelt values does the client want their life to serve? (this process is modified for children);
    • plan & carry out customised attention-training using a range of mindfulness-based strategies – the client’s willingness to do daily out-of-session practice is imperative; and
    • train self-compassion as an alternative to self-criticism.
    If I’m working with a child, the active involvement of parents is absolutely necessary (eg, training skills in empathy-based collaborative problem solving).
    Psychological interventions are not a “quick-fix” for ADHD but benefits seem to be long-term. I’d be surprised to see significant benefit in less than 12 sessions.
    Talk to your treating medical practitioner to discuss options for referral to a psychologist. Practitioners who work in a similar way to me can be found at the therapist listing
    Best wishes in your search for a non-medical intervention.

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