Suite 104, Level 1, 621 Gympie Road, Chermside QLD 4032
(07) 28 ...
About Dr Anabela Novas
Twenty years of clinical experience, health research and publications. My strength is motivating people to be physically active, independent and healthier. Live long, enjoy life!
Special interests
Cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, Diabetes, Metabolic condition and Obesity, Immune and rheumatologic conditions, Reconditioning after injury, illness or inactivity period - athletic performance, Falls prevention, function and independence for seniors, Mental health (anxiety, depression, stress, ADHD, Autism), Children's health
Concise and verified healthcare information related
to Dr Anabela Novas's field of practice. These cover conditions,
treatments, and health products in an easy-to-read,
high-quality format.