About Shazzy Tharby
No waitlist.
Easy referral - please email positivelyliving@protonmail.com
Medicare referrals can be made by a GP under a Chronic Disease Management Plan
Shazzy is a UK trained and credentialed Mental ...
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No waitlist.
Easy referral - please email positivelyliving@protonmail.com
Medicare referrals can be made by a GP under a Chronic Disease Management Plan
Shazzy is a UK trained and credentialed Mental ...
Please see LinkedIn for up to date list and recommendations :
Please see LinkedIn profile
Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.
HealthShare offers a Practitioner Ratings feature to allow patients to highlight their experiences with their practitioner post-consultation.
How well the practitioner listens to and understands the issues of the patient
How well the practitioner explains a patient’s condition to them
How well the practitioner communicates a treatment plan to the patient
Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Assoc.
International Association of Therapists
Clinical Supervision Research Collab
ADHD Coaches Org
Concise and verified healthcare information related to Shazzy Tharby's field of practice. These cover conditions, treatments, and health products in an easy-to-read, high-quality format.