About Dr Jinna Yao
Dr Jinna Yao is a Consultant Urologist and Transplant Surgeon at Westmead Hospital, Westmead Private Hospital and Macquarie University Hospital.
Dr Yao is an Australian trained urological surgeon comm ...
Special interests
MBBS (Hons), BSc - University of NSW 2008
Master of Surgery (Transplant Surgery) - University of Sydney 2014
Fellowship of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2019
Post Fellowship Education and Training in Transplantation Surgery 2023
Member of Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
Member of American Urological Association
Member of Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand
Awards and Publications
Early Career Researchers Award (Clinical Science) Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand 2021
Yao J, Tse V, 25 years of the mid-urethral sling: lessons learnt
Accepted for publication 13/4/2021, International Journal of Neurourology
Lee T, D’Souza K, Yao J, et al, Comparison of the effect of single vs dual antiplatelet agents on post-operative haemorrhage after renal transplantation: A systematic review and meta-analysis Transplantation Reviews, 2021; 35(1):100594. doi: 10.1016/j.trre.2020.100594
Yao J, Pleass H, Lau H, Re: Andrea Gallioli, Angelo Territo, Romain Boissier, et al. Learning Curve in Robotic-assisted Kidney Transplantation: Results from the European Robotic Urological Society Working Group. Eur Urol. In press.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2019.12.008 European Urology 2020; 77(6): 165
Yao J, Clayton P, Wyburn K, Tovmassian D, Choksi H, Cavazonni E, Lee T, Lau H, Allen R, Yuen L, Laurence J, Lam V, Pleass H, Transplantation of paediatric renal allografts from donors aged 1 year and under: an analysis of the Australian and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA) from 1963 to 2018, Transplant International. 2020 Oct 17. https://doi.org/10.1111/tri.13772
Yao J, Laurence J, Hameed A, Lee T, Allen R, Pleass H, Lam V, Yuen L, Leslie S, Kim L, Lau H, How to do a robotic kidney autotransplantation, ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2020 May 1. https://doi.org/10.1111/ans.15936
Yao J, Vicaretti M, Lee T, Amaratunga R, Cocco N, Laurence J, Rogers N, Wong G, Hawthorne W, Allen R, Yuen L, Lau H, Pleass H, Endovascular Management of Mycotic Pseudoaneurysm After Pancreas Transplantation: Case Report and Literature Review, Transplantation Proceedings, 2020; 52(2): 660-666
Tovmassian D, Tang L, Hameed A, Yao J, Yoon P, Pleass HCC, Beware the band adhesion: an unexpected cause of double obstruction following intraperitoneal kidney transplantation. Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2020(8), raja239 https://doi.org/10.1093/jscr/rjaa239
Allan L, Yao J, Amaratunga R, Nahm C, Pleass H, Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm in a transplant pancreas: a rare occurrence, ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1111/ans.16232
Lo-Cao E, Yao J, Robertson P, Clayton P, Cavazzoni E, Pleass H, Paediatric en bloc kidney transplantation from a donor less than 5kg, ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2019 Dec 31. doi: 10.1111/ans.15642.
Trad A, Materne M, Reynolds G, Yao J, Miyakis S, Skyring T, Newton P, Carbapenem sparing in the management of post transrectal prostate biopsy bacteraemia, ANZ Journal of Surgery 2019; 89(7-8): 935-939
Hameed A, Yao J, Allen R, Hawthorne W, Pleass H, Lau H, The evolution of kidney transplantation surgery into the robotic era and its prospects for obese recipients, Transplantation 2018; 102(10): 1650-1665
Louie-Johnsun M, Yao J, Re: Interns ’perceptions of exposure to urology during medical school education in Victoria, Australia, ANZ J Surg 2017; 87(6): 523-524
Patel M, Yao J, Hirschhorn A, Mungovan S, Preoperative pelvic floor physiotherapy improves continence following radical prostatectomy, International Journal of Urology 2013; 20(10): 986-992
Thwaites S, Lam V, Yao J, Kable K, Jenkins L, Chen C, Robertson P, Ryan B, Pleass H, Allen R, Surgical morbidity of simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation: a single centre experience in the Tacrolimus era, ISRN Transplantation 2013; Article ID 685850
Yao J, Gan G, Farlow D, Laurence JM, Hollands M, Richardson A, Pleass HC, Lam VW, The impact of 18F-FDG PET/CT on the management of resectable pancreatic tumours, ANZ J Surg, 2012; 82(3):140-144
Thwaites S, Gurung B, Yao J, Kable K, Hawthorne WJ, Lam VWT, Ryan BJ, Pleass HCC, Chapman JR, Allen RDM, Excellent outcomes of simultaneous pancreas kidney transplantation in rural and urban Australia, Transplantation 2012; 94(12):1230-5