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About Dr Praveen Indraratna

Dr. Praveen Indraratna is an award-winning, Australian-trained cardiologist who possesses a broad range of expertise in various cardiac conditions. With a friendly, professional, and compassionate dem ...

Special interests

Investigation of: chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, general cardiology, coronary artery disease, cardiac risk assessment, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, digital health, valvular heart disease, non-invasive cardiac imaging (echocardiography, cardiac CT, cardiac MRI).



FRACP (Cardiology)


ANZCTCA Level B (highest)

SCMR Level III (highest)

Awards and Publications

Winner: NSW Cardiovascular Research Network Rising Stars, 2021
Winner: Heart Failure Prize, Cardiac Society of ANZ, 2021
Winner: Bryan Yeo Best Clinical Teacher Award, UNSW, 2019
Winner: Clinical Teacher of the Year (four-time winner)
Winner: Young Cardiologist Clinical Case Competition, ESC Asia (Singapore), 2019
Winner: Reg Inglis Award (Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation), 2018

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Practice location

Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

Barker Street, Randwick NSW 2031
(02) 93 ...
Barker St, Randwick NSW 2031
02 9382 ...
Barker Street, Randwick NSW 2031
02 9650 ...


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5 ratings

How well the practitioner listens to and understands the issues of the patient

Condition Communication

5 ratings

How well the practitioner explains a patient’s condition to them

Treatment Communication

5 ratings

How well the practitioner communicates a treatment plan to the patient