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About Mark Surdut

Leading Melbourne Accredited Practising Dietitian -Mark Surdut APD AN.

Mark runs a practise in North Caulfield with expertise in Medical Nutrition Therapy. Mark has a science degree in human physio ...


Bachelor of Science in Medicine (Honours) in Nutrition and Dietetics (Cape Town)

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Questions and Answers

The following questions have been posted by the HealthShare users and answered by Mark Surdut

Q. What are antioxidants, and what do they have to do with cancer?

There is a lot of information out there about antioxidants. Do they decrease or can they decrease cancer?

Mark Surdut

this Q is easier to A, if you provide some more specifics. Its a complex area and the prevention and managment are two very differenrt areas. I believe there is some benefit in ingesting more antioxid ...

1 of 14 questions