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    1300 20 ...
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    1300 20 ...
  • Milton Medical Centre, 131-135 Princes Highway, Milton NSW 2538
    1300 20 ...
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  • 33 Bridge Road, Nowra NSW 2541
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About Dr Paul Thornton-Bott

Dr. Thornton-Bott is a fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon with a subspecialty interest in Hip and Knee Joint Replacement surgery and Trauma Surgery.

He performs arthroscopic surgery and replacemen ...

Special interests

Sub Specialist in Primary and Revision Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery. Experienced in Minimally Invasive Direct Anterior and Posterior Approach Hip Surgery. Encourage early Mobilization, targeted Pain control and Rapid Recovery, Skilled in Computer Navigated and Robotic Assisted Surgery. Hip Resurfacing. Trauma: Fractures, special interest in Neck of Femur Fracture outcome. Urgent Appointments available. Clinics in Sydney, and on the South Coast in the Illawarra/Shoalhaven at Shellharbour, Nowra and Milton.

Awards and Publications

 Long term results of alumina ceramic-on-ceramic bearings in cementless total hip arthroplasty: a minimum 15 year follow-up Paul Thornton-Bott,WL Walter, Stephen Tai, WK Walter

Bone and Joint Journal Jan 2016

Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty Without Traction Table: Early Results of the First 157 Cases P Thornton-Bott. W.L.Walter, BA ZicatBJJ Jan 2016 3.

The kinematic Relationship between sitting and standing posture and pelvic inclination and its significance to cup positioning in Total Hip ArthroplastySelin Munir, Andrew Stephens, P Thornton-BottBone and Joint Journal Jan 2016

Alumina Ceramic on Ceramic Bearings in Cementless THA. A Minimum 10 Year Follow Up

Eric Yeung; Paul Thornton Bott; Mark Jackson; William Walter; William Walter; and Bernard Zicat

J Bone Joint Surg Br 2011 93-B Supp II: 127.

 Patient Obesity: A Growing Concern of Successful Total Knee Arthroplasty Yeung. P. Thornton Bott. W.L.Walter.

Seminars in Arthroplasty. 2010 June; 21(2):87-91


Ceramic on Ceramic Bearings: Only For the Hard of Hearing & Those Living alone? – Opposers

Patient Obesity: A Growing Concern of Successful Total Knee Arthroplasty

Yeung. P. Thornton Bott. W.L.Walter.

Seminars in Arthroplasty. 2010 March ;21(1):27-32


History of Hip ArthoplastyRishi Chana, Paul Thornton-BottJan 2010 Book Chapter


Short-Term Outcome in Total Knee Replacement After Soft-Tissue Release and Balancing

Unitt L, Sambatakakis A, Johnstone D, Briggs TW; Balancer Study Grp.

Bone Joint Surgery [Br] 2008 ;90(2):159-65


Interobserver Variation in the Measurement of Patellar Height after Total Knee Arthroplasty

B.A. Rogers, P. Thornton-Bott P. S.R. Cannon, T.W.R. Briggs.

Bone Joint Surgery [Br] 2006;88-B484-8


Late Presentation of a Lacerated Achilles Tendon.

Chau, P. Thornton-Bott, R. Sharp.

Injury Extra 2007;38[8]: 255-257


Pseudo-Patella Baja following Soft Tissue Balancing in Total Knee Arthroplasty.

P.J. Thornton-Bott. L. Unitt, D.J. Johnstone, A. Sambatakakis.

Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2005; 87: 484.


The mechanism of programmed cell death in chondrocytes of rabbit chondroepiphyses after induction of apoptosis with etoposide or prednisolone.

Bott P.J. Roach H.I. Clarke N.M.P.Bone & Joint Surgery (Br) 1999; 81-B:SUPP 1

Features of Programmed Cell Death in Chondrocytes: DNA Strand Breaks may Be Reversible, But Cell Membrane Damage Occurs Early .

H.I. Roach, P.J. Bott, N.M.P. Clarke.Bone Min Res 1998; 13;9 pp 1502


Late Failure in Third Generation Alumina Ceramic Bearings.

Podium Presentation

  1. Thornton-Bott, Selin Munir, A/Prof. William L. Walter, Bernard A. Zicat, and William K. Walter.


Conference Centre Brisbane Oct 2015

The Direct Anterior Approach to the Hip, Off-Table. How I Do It.

Podium Presentation


The Grand Hyatt, Melbourne July 2015

Computerised Reports of Osteolysis in Ceramic on ceramic Total Hip Arthroplasty: True Lysis, Stress Shielding or Cysts?

  1. Thornton-Bott, Sebastain Fung, Selin Munir, A/Prof. William L. Walter, Bernard A. Zicat, and William K. Walter.

Podium Presentation

Arthroplasty Associaltion of Australia ASM

Sheraton, Noosa NSW May 2015

Long-Term Results of Alumina-on-Alumina Ceramic Bearings in Cementless Total Hip Arthoplasty: Have We Cured Osteolysis?

  1. Thornton-Bott, Stephen M. Tai, Selin Munir, A/Prof. William L. Walter, Bernard A. Zicat, and William K. Walter.

Podium Presentations:-


Exhibition & Conference Centre, Melbourne. October 2014


Marriott Hotel, Sydney. August 2014

The Mater Hospital AIMS Research Day. August 2014

The Poche Centre, Sydney

International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty

Kyoto, Japan. September 2014. (WL Walter)

Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty without traction table;

Early results of the first 157 cases.

P Thornton-Bott, S Tai, WL Walter, BA Zicat.

Podium Presentation:-


Exhibition & Conference Centre, Melbourne. October 2014


International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty

Kyoto, Japan. September 2014.


Vastus Lateralis Aponeurosis Flap Augmentation of Failed Posterior Repair in Total Hip Arthroplasty for Dislocation.

  1. Thornton-Bott, R. Chana, W.K. Walter, W.L. Walter.

Podium Presentation European Hip Society Conference

Marriott Hotel, Milan, Italy June 2012

Alumina Ceramic on Ceramic Bearings in Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Minimum of 10 Year Follow-Up

Yeung E, Thornton-Bott P, Jackson M, Walter W.L, Walter W.K, Zicat B.

Podium Presentation EFORT Congress, Madrid, Spain, May 2010.

Interobserver Variation in the Measurement of Patellar Height after Total Knee Arthroplasty

B.A.Rogers, P. Thornton-Bott P. S.R. Cannon, T.W.R. Briggs.

Podium Presentation SICOT Int. Conference, Istanbul, Sep.’05.

Pseudo-Patella Baja following Soft Tissue Balancing in Total Knee Arthroplasty.

P.J. Thornton-Bott. L. Unitt, D.J. Johnstone, A. Sambatakakis.

Poster Presentation    EFORT Congress, Lisbon , Portugal. June ‘05.

Podium Presentation BOA Congress, Birmingham. Sep. 05

Podium Presentation BASK Meeting, Slough March ‘06

Podium Presentation EFORT Congress, May ‘07

The mechanism of programmed cell death in chondrocytes of rabbit chondroepiphyses after induction of apoptosis 


Bott P.J. Roach H.I. Clarke N.M.P.

Podium Presentation British Orthopaedic Research Society

Annual Conference Oct. 5/6 1998, Dublin.

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Practice location

Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

75 Crown Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
(02) 90 ...
27 Captain Cook Drive, Barrack Heights NSW 2528
02 4295 ...
Weeroona Place, Nowra NSW 2541
(02) 44 ...
2 Scenic Drive, Nowra NSW 2541
(02) 44 ...
25 Rocklands Road, North Sydney NSW 2060
02 9900 ...