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About Dr Jerome Ha

My name is Dr Jerome Ha and I am an Australian-trained Ophthalmologist with specialist expertise in cataract and medical retinal diseases.

I graduated in Medicine from The University of Melbourne, Aus ...

Special interests



1. Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO)

2. Master of Medicine (Ophthalmic Science), The University of Sydney, Australia

3. Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, The University of Melbourne, Australia

4. Bachelor of Medical Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia

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Practice location

Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

16 Wilbow Street, Phillip ACT 2606
02 6217 ...
Equinox Business Park Building 2, Level 1, 70 Kent Street, Deakin ACT 2600
(02) 61 ...