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About Dr Shalinder Samra

Dr Shalinder Samra is an Australian-based health professional. Shalinder is trained as a Paediatric Emergency Physician, Paediatrician and practices in Toongabbie, Campsie, Hornsby and Blacktown.

Special interests

Asthma, Eczema and other allergic conditions, Behavioural problems like Learning Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Developmental delay and Learning difficulties, Newborn conditions including feeding issues, Complex seizure disorders, Weight and other endocrine problems including Diabetes.


  • Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Paediatric and Child Health Division, Australia.
  • AMC Certificate, Australian Medical Council, Australia.
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Punjab University, India.

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Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

575 Canterbury Road, Campsie NSW 2194
02 9787 ...