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About Dr Raj Anand

Dr Anand is passionate about transforming our current health eco-systems into promoting wellness measures and bringing back the focus of healthcare to the individual and their holistic well-being (as ...

Special interests

Wellbeing disrupted by pain and/ or rheumatological conditions.  Persistent pain due to inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions- trauma.  Fibromyalgia, Chronic widespread pain, Chronic fatigue syndrome. Hypermobility and Ehler Danlos Syndrome. Pain in people with cognitive dysfunction including dementia and traumatic brain injury.  Pain in the older person.  Pain interventions - both peripheral and central neuromodulation - blocks, radiofrequency, and stimulators. Telehealth


Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Internal Medicine) 2012

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Rheumatology) 2015

Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australia New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 2017

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Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.

Practice location

Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
02 8382 ...
Barker Street, Randwick NSW 2031
02 9650 ...
235 Morrison Road, Ryde NSW 2112
(02) 98 ...
1 South Street, Kogarah NSW 2217
(02) 95 ...