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About Joe Hanna

I am a Sydney based Clinical Neuropsychologist that has been involved in the research, assessment and rehabilitation of clients sustaining traumatic and acquired brain injury since 2001. I currently h ...

Special interests

I have worked in the area of traumatic and acquired brain injury for over 10 years, and have been involved in the comprehensive assessment of clients for the purpose of; • Communicating neuropsychological test findings, implications for rehabilitation and developing strategy formulation with the aim of optimising rehabilitation efforts and patient adjustment. • Providing education and evidenced based cognitive rehabilitation to clients. • Providing recommendations regarding return to work capacity and liaising with employers to optimise transition. • Providing recommendations regarding return to driving, return to school and study.  • Formulating and developing comprehensive behaviour support plans and educating family, therapists and care workers. • Assessment of decision making capacity including financial management and guardianship, and providing high quality reports. • Providing differential diagnosis of clients with a range of neurological and co-morbid psychiatric conditions, and prognostic implications. • Provision of focused psychological interventions (CBT, motivational interviewing) to support client's ongoing adjustment.


1997 – 2000 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology Macquarie University Sydney, NSW

2002 – 2005 Master of Clinical Neuropsychology Macquarie University Sydney, NSW

Awards and Publications

Tate RL, Pfaff A, Ellis L, Hanna J, Lane-Brown A, Baguley I, Gurka J, Hodgkinson A, King C, Marosszeky JE. (September, 2003). Towards an understanding of transitional stages in the emergence from post-traumatic amnesia. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Brain Injury Research Forum, Sydney.

Tate RL, Pfaff A, Lane-Brown A, Ellis L, Hanna, J, Baguley IJ, Gurka JA, Hodgkinson AE, King AC, Marosszeky JE (July, 2004). Patterns of emergence from post-traumatic amnesia after traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 5 (Suppl.) p121. Paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Brisbane, 2004.

Baguley IJ, Lane-Brown A, Hanna J, Tate RL, Gurka JA, Hodgkinson A, King C, Marosszeky JE (2005). (Abstract) Patterns of neurologically active medication usage during early in-patient TBI rehabilitation. Brain Injury, 19(Suppl.1):85. Paper presented at the World Congress on Brain Injury, Melbourne, 2005.

Foster M, Kuipers P, Simpson GK, Kendall M, Hanna J. An organizational perspective on goal setting in community-based brain injury rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2005; 27: 901-910.

Tate RL, Pfaff A, Baguley IJ, Marosszeky JE, Gurka JA, Hodgkinson AE, King AC, Hanna J, Lane-Brown AT (December 2005). When does post-traumatic amnesia end? Paper presented at the 10th Annual Brain Injury Research Forum, Sydney.

Pfaff A, Tate RL, Baguley IJ, Marosszeky JE, Gurka JA, Hodgkinson AE, King C, Hanna J, Lane-Brown AT (2006). (Abstract) When does posttraumatic amnesia end? Brain Impairment, 7(1):59.

Tate RL, Pfaff A, Baguley IJ, Marosszeky JE, Gurka JA, Hodgkinson AE, King AC, Lane-Brown AT, Hanna J. A multicentre, randomised trial examining the effect of test procedures on emergence from post-traumatic amnesia. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry, Mar 2006; doi:10.1136/jnnp.2005.074989.

Simpson, GK, Walker, A, Whiting, D Hanna, J. Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioural Strategy Use Survey (CEBSUS): Development of a survey to measure cognitive, emotional and behavioural strategy knowledge and skill after acquired brain injury. In progress.

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235 Morrison Road, Ryde NSW 2112
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