About Dr Robert C. Gandy
I am a specialist Upper GI, Bariatric, HPB and general surgeon, specialising in minimally invasive surgery. I also offer gastroscopy and colonoscopy to both public and privately insured patients.
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Special interests
FRACS (Australia), MS (University of Sydney, Australia), MRCS (London, UK), MB ChB (University of Leeds,UK)
Awards and Publications
Book Chapter: Management of low rectal cancer with synchronous liver metastasis. RC Gandy and C Sandroussi ‘Case based lessons in the management of complex Hepato-Pancreato-biliary Surgery’ 2016 edited by Timothy Pawlik.
Commissioned editorial: Centralising care for patients with pancreatic cancer: a hybrid model approach, Med J Aust. 2016; 204 (11): 419-422
Original research article: Comparative Validation of Abdominal CT Models that Predict Need for Surgery in Adhesion-Related Small-Bowel Obstruction. PF Yang, DP Rabinowitz, SW Wong, M Kahn, RC Gandy. World J Surg (2016). doi:10.1007/s00268-016-3796-3
Original research article: Short and long term outcomes of older patients undergoing hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases. RC Gandy, T Stavrakis, KS Haghighi. ANZ J Surg. doi:10.1111/ans.13690
Commissioned review: Should the non-operative management of appendicitis be the new standard of care? RC Gandy and F Wang. ANZ J Surg, 2016; 86 (4) 228-231.
Consensus guideline: Refining approaches of care for patients with pancreatic cancer; Findings of the Australasian pancreatic cancer workshop. RC Gandy, A Barbour, M Nikfarjam, J Samra, KS Haghighi, J Kench, D Goldstein. Med J Aust. 2016; 204 (11): 419-422
Original research: Daly, Daniel & Gandy, Robert & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Surgical outcomes of complex liver resection: Synchronous resection of other abdominal organs for locally advanced or metastatic disease. HPB. 18. e255. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.642.
Original research: Daly, Daniel & Gandy, Robert & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Laparoscopic completion cholecystectomy for remnant gallbladder following previous incomplete cholecystectomy: a case series. HPB. 18. e488.
Original research: Batabyal, P. & Gandy, Robert & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Safety of extended pancreatectomy compared to standard pancreatic resection based on International Study Group for Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) definitions. HPB. 18. e397. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.035.
Gandy, Robert & Ling, A. & Hook, H. & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Reciprocal care arrangements in HPB cancer services – helping swallow the bitter pill of centralization. HPB. 18. e539. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.439.
Gandy, Robert & Stavrakis, Timothy & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). Short and long term outcomes of older patients undergoing hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastasis. HPB. 18. e235. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.587.
Ip, E.C.-Y & Gandy, Robert & Ling, A. & Haghighi, K.. (2016). The soft pancreas: Pancreato-gastropexy with pancreaticogastrostomy minimizes pancreatic fistula rate post pancreatoduodenectomy. HPB. 18. e122. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.286.
Ng, K.M. & Gandy, Robert & Bergamin, P. & Haghighi, K.S.. (2016). The simplicity of en bloc resection of diaphragm and liver tumours: a safe and effective technique of primary diaphragmatic repair with low respiratory-related morbidities. HPB. 18. e589. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.569.
Original research: Gandy, Robert & Das, A. & Ahmed, S.. (2016). Applying of “ the white test” in laparoscopic hepatectomy to identify bile leakage. HPB. 18. e117. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.02.273. 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.03.291.
Original research article: Hepatic resection for non colorectal, non endocrine liver metastases. RC Gandy, P Bergamin, KS Haghighi. ANZ J Surg. doi:10.1111/ans.13470
Response to: Hepatic resection for malignant liver tumours in the elderly; systematic review and meta-analysis. RC Gandy, NM Merrett. ANZ J Surg 2015; 85 (11) 815-822
Consensus guideline: Definition of surgical standards for pancreatic cancer: a consensus statement by the Australian gasto-Intestinal Trials Group. RC Gandy, A Barbour, M Nikfarjam, J Samra, KS Haghighi, J Kench, D Goldstein. Published online at AGITG.org.au
Original research article: Safety of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in a Low-Volume Setting: Review of Early and Late Outcomes. RC Gandy and CR Berney Gastroenterology R & P, vol. 2014, Article ID 581523, 6 pages, 2014.
Original research article: Discovery of diagnostic biomarkers for pancreatic cancer in immunodepleted serum by SELDI-TOF MS. A Xue, RC Gandy, L Chung , RC Baxter, RC Smith. Pancreatology March 2012; 12(2), 124-9
Original research article: Discovery of serum biomarkers for pancreatic adenocarcinoma using proteomic analysis. A Xue, C J Scarlett, L Chung, G Butturini, A Scarpa, RC Gandy, S R Wilson, R C Baxter and R C Smith. Br J of Cancer July 2010; 103, 391-400
Original research article: Outcomes of appendicectomy in an acute care surgery model. RC. Gandy, P Truskett, S. Wong, S. Smith, M. Bennett, A. Parasyn. Med J Aust, 2010, 193 (5); 281-284
Case report and literature review: Aberrant cholecystohepatic ducts. R.Gandy, W. Hargreaves and D. Fenton-Lee. ANZ J Surg 2010; 80 (6) 455-6
Case report and literature review: The use of a 910 Polyglactin (Vicryl) mesh to obtain haemostasis and prevent further fracturing in a transplant kidney. Gandy R, Asthana S, Ahmad N, Lodge JPA Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2006 Oct ;88 (6):590-1 17380611)
Original research article: How can Psychiatrists better support the work of University Medical Centres and University Counselling Services? Waller RM, Mahmood TA, Gandy R, Delves S, Humphrys N, Smith D Br J Guidance & Counselling, Volume 33, No. 1, Feb 2005, pp 117-128(12)