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Sophia Zervos is an Australian-based health professional. Sophia is trained as a Clinical Psychologist and Psychologist and practices in North Strathfield.

Special interests

Assessing pre-school aged children under 6yo including : Conducting play-based, developmental, intellectual (IQ) and functional assessments;Diagnosis and assessment of children suspected or identified as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Diagnosis and assessment of children suspected or identified as having an intellectual disability; Assessing and supporting families with preschool age children; Comprehensive feedback of assessment results; Advice and support with school placement; Formulation of an individualised, comprehensive management plan; Consultation on behaviour difficulties and empowering families with knowledge and strategies to manage their child’s behaviour, learning, and development; Liaising with other health professionals and agencies such as Aspect, the Department of Education and Communities, Department of Health funded Diagnostic and Assessment Services, Aging Disability and Home Care (ADHC), and other government agencies.

See how your health fund can cover you

Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.

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