About Dr Aziz Bhimani
As an Orthopaedic Surgeon, I specialise in all aspects of hip and knee surgeries. Over the course of more than 10,000 surgeries, I have established a particular passion and expertise in joint replacem ...
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As an Orthopaedic Surgeon, I specialise in all aspects of hip and knee surgeries. Over the course of more than 10,000 surgeries, I have established a particular passion and expertise in joint replacem ...
presenter and instructor international hip forum singapore 2017 -2019
presenter sydney national hip and knee meeting 2019
presenter sydney robotic summit 2018
instructor Direct anterior hip replacement
instructor robotic knee replacement
directer clinical training AOA 2012 - present
head of department wollongong hospital
Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.
The following questions have been posted by the HealthShare users and answered by Dr Aziz Bhimani
Should I have rehabilitation after having an ACL surgery, is it really necessary?
Whether your treatment involves surgery or not rehabilitation plays a vital role in getting you back to your daily activities. A physical therapy program will help you regain knee strength and motion. ...
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AHPRA: MED0001180901
Australian Orthopaedic Association
Royal Australian College of Surgeons
International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Sports Medicine
PN: 220394PX