About Mr William Fleming
I am an Endocrine and General Surgeon at Epworth Freemasons Hospital, Western Health (Footscray) and Austin Health (Heidelberg), specialising in endocrine surgery, particularly in minimally invasive t ...
Special interests
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery 1982
Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 1991
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in England 2005
Awards and Publications
Spontaneous splenic rupture in infectious mononucleosis
Fleming WR A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 1991; 61: 389-390
Preservation of the pylorus in resection of the head of the pancreas: a comparative appraisal with the Whipple procedure
Fleming WR and Williamson RCN Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 1994; 1: 355-366
Combined pulmonary tumour embolectomy and extended right hepatectomy with inferior vena cava resection for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Uemoto S, Fleming WR, Keogh BE & Habib NA British Journal of Surgery 1995; 82: 127-128
The role of total pancreatectomy in the treatment of patients with end-stage chronic pancreatitis
Fleming WR and Williamson RCN British Journal of Surgery 1995; 82: 1409-1412
Presented as poster at 1st World Congress of International Hepato-pancreato-biliary Association, Boston, USA May, 1994
Surgery for chronic pancreatitis
Fleming WR and Williamson RCN Postgraduate Surgery 1995; 5 (4): 91-93
Thromboembolism in inflammatory bowel disease – etiology, prophylaxis and treatment
Fleming WR and Kmiot WA In: Allan RN, Rhodes JM, Hanauer SB, Keighley MRB, Alexander-Williams J & Fazio VW (Eds) Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 3rd edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1997; Ch. 78
Regulation of fundic and antralsomatostatin secretion by cholecystokinin and gastrin
Zavros Y, Fleming WR, Hardy KJ & Shulkes A American Journal of Physiology 1998; 272: G742-G750
Abstract: Day Case Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy – Initial results
Fleming WR A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 1998; 68 (supp.): A94
Presented as poster at Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, Australia May 1998
Concurrent elevation of fundicsomatostatin prevents gastrin stimulation by GRP
Zavros Y, Fleming WR, Shulkes A American Journal of Physiology 1999; 276: G21-G27
Pancreatic trauma
Fleming WR, Collier NA and Banting SB A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 1999; 69 (5): 357-362
Physiology of the small intestine
Fleming WR In: Taylor TV, Watson A & Williamson RCN (eds.) Upper Digestive Surgery: Oesophagus, Stomach and Small Intestine, WB Saunders, 1999
Abstract: An audit of outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Fleming WR, Michell I & Douglas M A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 2000; 70 (supp.): A91
Presented at Royal Aust College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne May 2000
Audit of outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Fleming WR, Michell I & Douglas M A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 2000; 70 (6): 423-427
Abstract: Acute pancreatitis in Victoria
Fleming WR HPB 2000; 2 (2): 207
Presented as poster at 4th World Congress of International Hepato-pancreato-biliary Association, Brisbane, Australia May, 2000
Randomized clinical trial comparing totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair with the Shouldice technique
Fleming WR, Elliott TB, Jones RMcL, Hardy KJ British Journal of Surgery 2001; 88 (9): 1183-8
Comparative study on acute pancreatitis
Chiang DT, Anozie A, Fleming WR & Kiroff GK A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 2004; 74 (4): 218-221
Thyroid cancer
Shah B, Fleming WR & Lynn JA Recent Advances in Surgery 2004; 27: 159-177
Ectopic parathyroid adenoma with 99mTc-MIBI washout- Role of SPECT
Khan MS, Khan S, Vereb M, Al-Nahhas A, Dina R, Lynn J, Fleming W Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2006; 31: 713-5
Complications in Endocrine Surgery
Kekis PB, Smith SGT, Lynn JA, Fleming WR In: Hakim NS & Papalois VE (Eds) Surgical Complications – Diagnosis and Treatment,Imperial College Press, London 2006; pp505-66
Haemostasis in Endocrine Surgery
Maheswaran I, Isla A, Lynn J, Fleming B In: Hakim NS & Canelo R (Eds) Haemostasis in Surgery, Imperial College Press, London 2006; pp 189-212
Follicular cancer and Hürthle cell tumours of the thyroid
Fleming B and Lynn JA In: Miles A (Ed) Effective management of head, neck and thyroid cancer. Aesculapus Medical Press, London 2006.
Case report: PET/CT, a cautionary tale
Wang J, Cook G, Frank J, Dina R, Livni N, Lynn J, Fleming W, Seckl M BMC Cancer 2007; 7: 147
Neck and Endocrine
Fleming B In: Gaunt ME, Tang TY & Walsh SR (Eds): General Surgery Outpatient Decisions (2nd Ed.) Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford 2008
Novel haemostatic devices in thyroid surgery: electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing system and harmonic scalpel
Manouras A, Markogiannakis HE, Kekis PB, Lagoudianakis EE, Fleming B Expert Review of Medical Devices 2008; 5: 447-466.
Abstract: Localization and treatment of recurrent or persistent parathyroid adenoma
Fleming WR, Rollin M, Jackson J, Lynn JA A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 2008; 78 (Supp.1): A41
Presented at Royal Aust College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Hong Kong, May 2008
Parathyroid tissue in an adult’s cervical bronchogenic cyst
Markogiannakis H, Fleming B, Dina R Virchows Archive 2008 Sep; 453(3): 307-308
Abstract: Partial upper median sternotomy for mediastinal parathyroid pathology
Markogiannakis H, Lynn J, Fleming B Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2008; 80: 76
Presented at Panhellenic Congress of Surgery International Surgical Forum Nov 2008
Abstract: A multi-institutional audit of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in Greece and the UK
Markogiannakis H, Kekis P, Michalopoulos N, Lagoudianakis E, Fleming B, Martinez-Isla A, Lynn J, Manouras A Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2008; 80: 76
Paper presented at Panhellenic Congress of Surgery International Surgical Forum Nov 2008
Parathyroid dysfunction – medical and surgical therapy
Babu ED, Fleming WR & Lynn JA In: Gleeson M (Ed) Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery 7th Ed. HodderArnold, London 2009.
MEN syndromes
Rollin M & Fleming WR In: Aziz O, Paraskeva B & Purkayastha S (Eds) Hospital Surgery, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Thyroid disease
Arbuckle J & Fleming WR In: Aziz O, Paraskeva B & Purkayastha S (Eds) Hospital Surgery, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Tumours of the Parathyroid Gland
Fleming B, Lynn J, Rhys-Evans PH, See A In: Rhys-Evans PH, Montgomery PQ & Gullane PJ (Eds): Principles and Practice of Head & Neck Oncology (2nd Ed.) Informa Healthcare, London 2009.
Abstract: Partial upper median sternotomy for mediastinal pathology
Markogiannakis H, Lynn J, Fleming B World Journal of Surgery 2009; 33 (Supp 1): S41
Paper presented at International Surgical Week ISW 2009, Adelaide September 2009
Abstract: Manubriotomy for mediastinal thyroid pathology
Markogiannakis H, Lynn J, Fleming B World Journal of Surgery 2009; 33 (Supp 1): S209
Poster at International Surgical Week ISW 2009, Adelaide September 2009
Abstract: Preoperative Vitamin D deficiency predicts postoperative hypocalcaemia after thyroidectomy
Kirkby-Bott J, Cowan ML, Markogiannakis H, Fleming B, Palazzo FF World Journal of Surgery 2009; 33 (Supp 1): S210
Poster at International Surgical Week ISW 2009, Adelaide September 2009
Abstract: A multi-institutional audit of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in Greece and the UK
Fleming B, Kekis P, Markogiannakis H, Michalopoulos N, Manouras A, Lynn J, Martinez-Isla A World Journal of Surgery 2009; 33 (Supp 1): S216
Poster at International Surgical Week ISW 2009, Adelaide September 2009
An incidental finding of Castleman's disease in a pregnant woman
Rotella J-A, Elsner D, Fleming B A.N.Z. Journal of Surgery 2010; 80 (6): 451-452
Pre-operative vitamin D deficiency predicts post-operative hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy
Kirkby-Bott J, Markogiannakis H, Skandarajah A, Cowan M, Fleming B, Palazzo F World Journal of Surgery 2011; 35 (2): 324-30
Predictors of ectopic parathyroid gland location and imaging failure in patients with persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism
Markogiannakis H, Fleming B, Kirkby-Bott J. In Kirkby-Bott J (Ed): Parathyroid: Anatomy, Functions and Disorders. Nova Science Publishers, New York 2012
Cervical pneumatocoele following total thyroidectomy
Liu DS, Jayaweera S, Fleming W Annals of Royal College of Surgeons in England 2012; 94 (2): e74-75
Consent, capacity and the right to say no
Snow H, Fleming B Medical Journal of Australia 2014; 201 (8): 486-8
Incidental parathyroidectomy during total thyroidectomy is not a direct cause of post-operative hypocalcaemia
Chew C, Li R, Ng K, Fleming B Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery 2017; Mar 17 (epub ahead of print)