About Dr Jason Roth
ENT and Facial Plastic surgeon with a special interest in adult and paediatric ENT problems, rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgery, nose and sinus disorders.
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ENT and Facial Plastic surgeon with a special interest in adult and paediatric ENT problems, rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgery, nose and sinus disorders.
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The following questions have been posted by the HealthShare users and answered by Dr Jason Roth
My son is going to have septoplasty and turbinectomy surgery using a new laser procedure on half of his nose. What questions should he ask the surgeon before agreeing on this new procedure?
There are many techniques and devices available to address enlarged turbinates, the most recent of which is a coblation turbinoplasty and I suspect that is what you have been offered. CO2 laser turbin ...
AHPRA: MED0001185485
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