About Dr Don Williams
Don WilIiams has worked and studied internationally in rehabilitation and sports injury management. His career started out in the late 80s with a move toward professional sport, namely triathlon. His ...
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Don WilIiams has worked and studied internationally in rehabilitation and sports injury management. His career started out in the late 80s with a move toward professional sport, namely triathlon. His ...
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The following questions have been posted by the HealthShare users and answered by Dr Don Williams
I have been diagnosed with cervical Radicularpathy and on further examinations with imaging have been told I have a number of nerve impingements. I have done some research and found out if I don't dea ...
Hey Abs,
Certainly a less than usual and complex sounding case. You are very young to have the history you have described.
I don't know too many of the neuros and orthos in Sydney. I do know a couple of ...
Concise and verified healthcare information related to Dr Don Williams's field of practice. These cover conditions, treatments, and health products in an easy-to-read, high-quality format.