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About Mr Randal Leung

Mr Randal Leung is a Melbourne Ear Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgeon (ENT Surgeon). Mr Leung manages all facets of Ear Nose and Throat Surgery.

He has subspecialty training and special interest i ...

Special interests

Otology/ Ear Surgery, Nasal and Sinus Conditions, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Paediatric ENT conditions, Aesthetic surgery of the ear (otoplasty) and nose (rhinoplasty), Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology

See how your health fund can cover you

Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.

Consultation fees for Mr Randal Leung

Applies to consultations (and procedures) that occur when you are not an admitted patient of a hospital, for example, in the doctor's practice rooms

  • Medicare provides rebates towards doctors' fees fo ...

Procedure fees for Mr Randal Leung

Applies to procedures that are provided when you are an admitted patient of a hospital

  • Please contact Mr Randal Leung to find out about Procedure Fees that apply to your individual circumstances

Practice location

Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

300 Grattan Street, Royal Melbourne Hospital VIC 3050
(03) 93 ...
32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002
03 9929 ...
275 Moreland Road, Coburg VIC 3058
03 9385 ...
89 Bridge Road, Richmond VIC 3121
03 9426 ...