Book an appointment
- 17 Errard Street North, Ballarat VIC 3350(03) 53 ...
- Wimmera Medical Centre, 6-12 Read Street, Horsham VIC 3400(03) 53 ...
- Stawell Regional Health, Sloane Street, Stawell VIC 3380(03) 53 ...
See how your health fund can cover you
Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.
Information from St.LukesHealth
This medical practitioner participates in St.LukesHealth Medical Gap Cover. The member gap experience below identifies the percentage of “No” and “Known” Gap participation by this medical practitioner.
Member gap experience
- Known Gap in 100% of admissions
Percentage of all hospital admissions where Dr Niall McConchie has participated in a gap scheme applicable to St.LukesHealth members.
What you should know
- The information provided is to be used as a guide to better inform St.LukesHealth members and is based on St.LukesHealth Medical Gap Cover participation. Costs may vary depending on the complexity o ...
Consultation fees for Dr Niall McConchie
Applies to consultations (and procedures) that occur when you are not an admitted patient of a hospital, for example, in the doctor's practice rooms
- Medicare provides rebates towards doctors' fees fo ...
Procedure fees for Dr Niall McConchie
Applies to procedures that are provided when you are an admitted patient of a hospital
- Please contact Dr Niall McConchie to find out about Procedure Fees that apply to your individual circumstances
Practice location
Hospital affiliations
This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.
Related Factsheets
Concise and verified healthcare information related to Dr Niall McConchie's field of practice. These cover conditions, treatments, and health products in an easy-to-read, high-quality format.