About Dr E. Vanessa Salazar Serrano

Dr. Serrano is a Queensland-trained female GP.

Following completion of her medical degree from the University of Queensland, Dr. Serrano has worked at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Royal Chi ...

Special interests

Skin cancer, and men's urological health.


Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP), 2013

MBBS - University of Queensland, 2008

Certificate of Practical Dermoscopy - Australasian College of Dermatologists, 2018

Certificate in Primary Care Dermatology - University of Queensland, 2015

Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Surgery - University of Queensland, 2011

BBiomedSc - Griffith University, QLD, 2001
GradDip Creative Industries (Creative Writing) - QUT, 2003

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