About Melissa Maimann
Melissa is an Endorsed Eligible Midwife in private practice in Sydney. She provides pregnancy, birth and postnatal care for women across Sydney. Melissa has practised midwifery in a range ...
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Melissa is an Endorsed Eligible Midwife in private practice in Sydney. She provides pregnancy, birth and postnatal care for women across Sydney. Melissa has practised midwifery in a range ...
Bachelor of Nursing 1998 (not practicing)
Graduate Diploma of Midwifery 2001
Master of Business Administration 2007
Graduate Certificate in Midwifery 2012
Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement.
The following questions have been posted by the HealthShare users and answered by Melissa Maimann
Some would say that there is an association between epidurals and caesarean. This may be because the reasons that lead a woman to request an epidural may also be reasons that a caesarean is eventuall ...
NMW0001303038 Eligible Midwife 2010 Endorsed Eligible Midwife 2013
Concise and verified healthcare information related to Melissa Maimann's field of practice. These cover conditions, treatments, and health products in an easy-to-read, high-quality format.