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About Dr Ramesh Velu

Dr Ramesh Velu trained as a Vascular surgeon in India, UK & Australia and has Specialist registration with the Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Dr Velu has worked in Birmin ...

Special interests

Varicose Veins, Aortic Aneurysm, Aortic Dissection, AVF Creation, Angiograms +/- Angioplasty/Stenting, Carotid Artery Disease, Diabetic Foot Problems, EVAR, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Renal Access, Sclerotherapy for Superficial Veins, Spider veins, Transcaval approach for type II endoleak, Vascular Ultrasounds, Ulcers, Venous Disease


  • Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2006,
  • MB BS TAMIL NADU, 1995
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

Awards and Publications

  • Stent Grafts for Thoracic Aortic Pathology- Experience at a University hospital in Western Australia.

Ramesh B. Velu, Moshe Halak, M Muhlmann, Steve Baker. Published in Vascular.Vol 13(6) Nov/Dec 2005

  • Popliteal Venous Aneurysm

Ramesh B. Velu, Graeme Barber, Frank Quigley. Published in J Vasc Surg Dec 07

  • Management of Upper limb Arterial Injury without angiography-

      Chennai experience. V Shanmugam, Ramesh B. Velu, S.R.Subramaniyan,

  1. Sekar, S.A Hussain. Published in Injury (NZ) Vol 35, Issue 1, 61-64, Jan 2004
  • A Comparison of outcomes following Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR)

of small and large abdominal aortic aneurysms.

Mark Muhlmann, Moshe Halak, Ramesh B Velu, Steve Baker

            Submitted to Annals of Vascular Surgery

  • Pseudoaneurysm of Dorsalis pedis artery due to inversion injury of the ankle.

      Ramesh B. Velu, Ailene Fitzgerald, Moshe Halak and Antoinette Zwaans

      Published in Injury Extra .Vol 36 (May 2005)

  • Bilateral Carotid body tumour - A case report.

Ramesh B.Velu, Vivekanandan Shanmugam, S. Saravanan, N. Sekar,

S.A.Hussain.Published in Indian Journal of Surgery Vol 64, No 3, 2002

  • Vascular diseases in women-Is it different.

            Ramesh B.Velu, M.Rajkumar, N.Sekar, S.A.Hussain

Accepted as a poster at RACS Congress Adelaide 2002 and Published in Aust and NZ Journal of Surgery, May 2002.

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Practice location

Hospital affiliations

This practitioner may have admitting, consulting, and practising privileges at these hospitals.

1 Martinez Avenue, West End QLD 4810
07 4725 ...
100 Angus Smith Drive, Douglas QLD 4814
(07) 44 ...
76 Willetts Road, Mackay QLD 4740
(07) 49 ...


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