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Retina Australia (QLD)

Retina Australia (QLD)

Harris Terrace, Level 1, 46 George Street
Brisbane 4000
Retina Australia (Queensland) provides peer support, information, awareness and advocacy to people with degenerating sight due to a retinal eye disease. Some examples of retinal eye disease are retinitis pigmentosa, Usher’s syndrome, Stargardt’s disease and age-related macular degeneration.

Retina Australia (Qld) is one of the Retina Australia state groups and has important contacts with Retina International. In conjunction with the other Australian state organizations, Retina Australia (Qld) provides funding to Australian researchers into inherited retinal diseases in the quest to find treatments and eventually a cure.

Retina Australia (Qld) publishes a quarterly newsletter, with articles relevant to retinal eye disease and reports on the latest research in the field. There are valuable resources in the form of a website and information booklets explaining the most common retinal diseases.

An optometrist is also available in the office on Thursdays (10am-2.30pm) for a confidential discussion about eye and vision related matters.

We have coffee mornings held each month in the Brisbane Square Library and other social activities and trips throughout the year.

Retina Australia (Qld) also interacts with all other agencies who provide services for people with vision disabilities. We disseminate information to professionals (such as optometrists and ophthalmologists) and non-professionals about retinal eye disease and also provide advice to the government and wider community.

Answers contributed by Retina Australia (QLD)

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