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In Australia, COPD usually occurs in people who have smoked or continue to smoke cigarettes. However, it can be caused by environmental or genetic factors.
Other known causes of COPD include:
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Pursed lip breathing is an example of prolonged expiration breathing, a technique used to control or reduce breathlessness. The purpose of prolonged expiration breathing is to try to reduce the amount of air trapped…
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The term Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) covers long term lung conditions which are characterised by shortness of breath, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Whilst each condition can occur on its own, many…
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Yes. Most COPD is caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. Avoiding this exposure is your best protection. If you smoke, quit. There are benefits to quitting smoking at any age. And…
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COPD is a progressive disease that can seriously affect every part of your life, particularly as the disease progresses. Appropriate management can reduce symptoms. Contact The Australian Lung Foundation for information on steps…
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