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Glycemic Index Foundation

Glycemic Index Foundation

The Glycemic Index Foundation (GIF) is a not-for-profit company supported by The University of Sydney and JDRF (Australia). GIF is committed to providing Australians with information and tools to improve their health through scientifically-backed low GI healthy eating principles.

Our main goal is to educate consumers and healthcare professionals about the benefits of a healthy low GI diet in the prevention and control of life-style related chronic diseases. This includes facilitating the management of diabetes, weight loss and weight loss maintenance and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, diabetes complications and other chronic lifestyle diseases.

We also strive to assist food manufacturers to make nutritionally healthy low GI choices available to consumers in each food and beverage category.

To make healthy choices easier we developed the GI Symbol Program, a public health initiative based on over 30 years of scientific research. It is a powerful tool for quickly and reliably making healthy food choices when grocery shopping.

It’s your guarantee that when you choose a product that carries the GI Symbol, the GI value stated near the nutritional information panel is accurate and you have made a healthy choice for that food category.

Foods that carry the certified low GI Symbol are not only low GI, but also meet very strict nutrient criteria, which include specified limits for carbohydrates, energy (kilojoules), total and saturated fat, sodium and, where appropriate, fibre and calcium. The program also guarantees that the food carrying the authentic GI symbol has been reliably tested by an accredited laboratory.

Answers contributed by Glycemic Index Foundation

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